Hi, I’m Amara...

…Your spiritual guide here to bring the Sacred into your life and ignite your inner light, so that you can experience a truly miraculous life. This might look like perfect health, infinite abundance, complete happiness, or a beautiful home.
My mission is to ignite the Light in healers, creators, dreamers, and artists so that they can reconnect to the Sacred.
I’ve learned that people can truly experience Abundance, get and stay organized, and heal dis-ease when they address the underlying causes keeping them separate from these states of being. My supportive, non-judgmental approach is encouraging and collaborative.
Did you know we receive about 400,000 bits of information per minute, but our brains can only absorb about 2,000 bits per minute?
Bring the sacred into your life and ignite your inner Light, so that you can experience a truly miraculous life. This might look like perfect health, infinite abundance, complete happiness, or a beautiful home. Daily miracles are available and within your grasp.
Spirituality is calling you. Peace, happiness, and joy are calling you. You are ready to believe something different about yourself and your life and for your reality to shift.
Tour Paradise without leaving your home through my Passport programs and Freedom School.
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